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Korean Feather Reed Grass
Height: 120 cm
Width: 90 cm
Zone: 4
Exposure: Sun to part shade
Bloom time: Early to late Fall
Deer and rabbit resistant
This grass forms an upright and fairly narrow clump of feathery plumes, beginning in early fall. Flower heads start out silvery-pink, fading to more of a creamy-white tone and remaining attractive for most of the winter. Tolerates shady sites well, but also happy in a sunny border with regular moisture. Cut clumps back to just above the ground in late winter, or earlier if desired. Well-behaved with a non invasive habit. Clumps may be divided in spring every 4 to 5 years. Nice for massing or as a specimen. Flower plumes and seed heads are very good for cutting.
Photo and description courtesy of Heritage Perennials